Yasu v1.2.7050
Yasu v1.2.7050

yasu v1.2.7050

Then try to hit the enemy ADC with that tornado. When you are in lane get rid of your Spoils of War ( Relic Shield) and start stacking your Steel Tempest so you have your tornado ready. Testing with Sightstone and I think It will stay in this build.įirst of all: Defend the red or the blue before the game hit 01:50 min, help your jungle if he starts near you. But if you or your team can't live without a Ruby Sightstone then buy it early and instead of Last Whisper or the tankitem in the finished build. If you delay your items you won't be as strong as without Ruby Sightstone, besides everyone has a trinket and you can buy Stealth Wards without the item. Zeke's Herald You can also get this if you have a AD-team who needs some Lifesteal. You can get this instead of Ravenous Hydra if you want. You can change an item for it if you want higher Critchance and critdamage. This is the last choice in my opinion, because as soon as they see you with this item, they probably won't attack until they have to. Get this if they have many Autoattack Champions and they focus you all the time. Get this if they have Champions that need to be slowed, either Movementspeed or Attackspeed. Get this for some extra Health and a nice slow everytime you Autoattack or use Steel Tempest. Get this for some Magicresist and a nice little shield that blocks the first Spell that hits you. This proccs on your first Steel Tempest hit. Don't forget the active which gives you extra sustain and damage. You can get this before Last Whisper if they don't build much armor. Gets you more tanky and gives you an extra Stealth Ward.

yasu v1.2.7050

This will make your Steel Tempest hit even harder and gives you everything you want. The Crit and Movementspeed of Zeal or the higher Movementspeed, Attackdamage and Health of Phage. Or Choose which one you want to buy first. Get Ninja Tabi if they have heavy physical damage. Or Get Mercury's Treads if they have heavy CC and/or much magical damage in their team. Gives you a little bit of sustain and damage The damage is the perfect poke (You see why Yasupp is fun to play? You never stand still!) and is overall a better version of Zeal. Gives you crit for more poke, Movementspeed for Way of the Wanderer and Attack Speed for exchanges. At this point change your Stealth Ward for a Sweeping Lens to clear Wards. Gives you the Movementspeed that you need for Way of the Wanderer and to reach enemys or escape.

yasu v1.2.7050

Targon's Brace You want this item as fast as possible, because the cooldown of the charges is reducest to 30 seconds which results in more gold. Use it when your Health is dropping under ~70%. Place it around 02:30 min besides they have a good early-gank champion like Lee Sin. Try to use it's effect as soon as possible and on the Minion, that gives the most gold.

Yasu v1.2.7050